麦卢卡蜂蜜UMF10+喉糖 (蜂胶口味)
- 免费送货(跟踪快递
- 没有任何额外费用
- 喉糖的最低订购量为 5 袋,以 5 袋为增购量单位。
We can deliver to Hong Kong and Mainland China direct from New Zealand, by tracked courier, at Australian prices. Simply enter the delivery address for your order in the appropriate space on the checkout page. There are no extra charges.
如果我们尚未将您的国家/地区包括在我们的目的地列表中,请联系我们获取报价 info@manuka-honey-nz.com
麦卢卡蜂蜜UMF10+喉糖 (蜂胶口味)
此外,含有蜂膠的UMF 10+麦卢卡蜂蜜有助于增强免疫系统并解决消化问题。
每袋含有 12 粒喉糖;每粒喉糖含8% 的UMF 10+麦卢卡蜂蜜,由怀特玛塔自己的蜂箱生产 -我们可以保证它是正宗的。
喉糖的最低订购量为 5 袋,以 5 袋为增购量单位。
We can deliver to Hong Kong and Mainland China direct from New Zealand, by tracked courier, at Australian prices. Simply enter the delivery address for your order in the appropriate space on the checkout page. There are no extra charges.